Sudden deaths are up over 100% but Official Ireland turns its head away, Thomastown accountant Patrick E Walsh tells Kilkenny Press readers
Sudden deaths are up over 100% but Official Ireland turns its head away, Thomastown accountant Patrick E Walsh tells Kilkenny Press readers

“The Overall Death Rate in Kilkenny (GRAPH 1) is still off the scale with the four Winter months of November to February 2022/23 showing an increase of 40% (118 people) on pre-Covid Winter 2019/20 death figures, he says.
“The increase of the same period compared to the Lockdown/Pandemic Winter of 2020/21 is 19% (65 people).
“Every death during lockdown was trumpeted as a tragedy and as a reason for mask mandates, social distancing and unbelievable pressure for everyone to take the Covid 19 vaccine,” he continues.
“It’s over a month since the Taoiseach asked the Chief Medical Officer to investigate the matter and nothing has been heard since.
“Why are the airwaves so very quiet out there still as regards the shocking death rates that Kilkenny and Ireland are experiencing ?
“Are local and national media afraid to question the government on this because of their complicity in not questioning the narrative during the lockdown in 2020 and the vaccination programme in 2021 ?
“The Overall Death figures are undeniable facts.
“To suggest otherwise is to say is making up funerals, which is a nonsense.

Sudden Deaths in a preC ovid period run at 9% of overall deaths as per Graph 2.

“The sudden death % is currently running at 16% for January and February 23. (GRAPH 3)
“Expected sudden deaths as a percentage of Winter deaths based on pre covid figures are 300 @ 9% = 27.
“Winter 2022/23 has seen 58 sudden deaths in Kilkenny.
“That is twice as many as would be expected in a normal Winter in a small county in Ireland.”
Patrick says Government isn’t giving us any explanation for this so there is no reason to expect it to stop any time soon.
“Now, extrapolate that out on a national and international level and try to get your head around the number of sudden and unexplained dying going on around the world.
“I believe that lockdown policies account only for a small percentage of these extra deaths and that the majority are due to the worldwide Covid Vaccination programme.
“When is the last time anyone in mainstream media put the death figures to you so starkly?
“Don’t say to yourself, if this were true it would be on RTE News and KCLR. “It’s there in front of your eyes in facts and figures.”