IF THE old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words then ace photographer Donal Foley’s latest venture into one of the most amazing spots on Mother Earth is akin to millions of words.
Words can be superb, beautiful and explanatory and can certainly be wonderfully entertaining and heart-warming when emanating from a knowledgeable, curious and perhaps romantic pen.
A picture gives you the whole story to peruse and enjoy and can often be the reason why you visit a particular place.
The Disney-like world of Castlecomer Discovery Park is summed up magnificently on the Park’s website.
That the Park brought a new life to a proud local community on the death of its coalmines tells us everything about the open air Aladdin’s Cave that has a fantastic range of alfresco entertainment for the young and young at heart.

The challenging park of 80 woodland acres is the heartbeat of a close-knit community that refused to throw in the towel.
‘Comer had no choice but to do a Lazarus when the tough and oft cruel underground mining industry that provided bread and butter along with clothing for the children of local parents reached a dead end.
The Discovery Park is the Phoenix from the ashes of a collapse that, thanks to the resilience of so many devoted souls, became a reality.
In many respects it is now a monument to an industrial past and to great men like the late Seamus Walsh and his colleagues who toiled beneath the earth.
But, enough words.
Admire and enjoy Donal’s super pics and we know it will be full steam ahead for ‘Comer.
The Eight Wonder of the World will strengthen your faith in mankind’s ability to highlight nature’s mystique and beauty.