Shrughawadda Players will perform their latest play ‘By the Bog of Catsby Marina Carr in St Eoghan
s Centre, Kilmoganny from Wednesday, January 31 to Saturday, February 3 at 8.15pm nightly.
By the Bog of Cats centres around the character of Hester Swane, an Irish traveller.
Tormented by the memory of a mother who deserted her at the age of seven, Hester is now being abandoned by Carthage Kilbride, the father of her child.
He wants her to leave the Bog of Cats, a place she loves and refuses to leave, because he is about to marry a girl fom a well off farming background and start a new life.
On the brink of despair she embarks on a terrible journey of vengeance
as the secrets of her tangled history are revealed.
By the Bog of Cats premiered at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, in 1998.Set in the mysterious bogs of rural Ireland. Marina Carr has the brilliant ability to move between the mythic and the real.

Cast: Jackie Kennedy plays the main role of Hester Swane with great strength and confidence and is seldom off the stage.
Others are Bobby Murray, Stephen Gilmore, Gerry Carroll, Willie Kearney, Biddy Hawe and Caroline Doran who excels as `Catwoman’.
Making their debut, Shrughawadda Players are delighted to welcome new members Sophie Gilmore who very ably plays the part of Josie Kilbride, Jake Butler, Emily Freaney, Aisling Bryan,and Thomas Deegan. All play their parts to perfection.
The Bog of Cats is once again directed by Alycia Kearney; Backstage and front of house Jackie Kenneally, Marie Kelly; Art and Design Stephen Gilmore; Carpenter William Kearney; Set Builder Willie Kearney; Costumes/props Alycia Kearney. Lighting Ciaran Moore, Music/sound effects Aobha Moore.
Tickets can be bought in Pete`s Shop,Kilmoganny,051-648637 or can be booked and pay at door.
Contacts Alycia 087-6757490, Jackie 087-9953532. Tickets also online https://www.gr8events.ieshrughawaddaplayers24